Sunday, February 9, 2014

Keep Fox News Out Of The Poetry Coop

    The headlines on the CBO's recent analysis of the adverse effects of the ACA (Obamacare or if a Red running for the Senate or House,  Democare since Obama is termed out and not a candidate) may have been distorted by the Reds. Personally, I believe that the increased ACA costs will either result in more part time workers or businesses doing everything possible to not hire more workers or after a report from that business' CFO, terminating health insurance and paying the penalty. History will tell!
     My comment is only that the discussion today on Fox's "Special Report" seemed to be a slam on people who write poetry, including those who cut back on their hours to write poetry. In a world of unreadable and incomprehensible prose coming out of D.C., numbing our senses and devastating our forests, nothing raises the hackles of the Alaskanpoet more that someone attacking the poetic craft. I wrote this as soon as I recovered from the Huskies' upset of my Stanford Cardinal women 87-82. Hope Brett Baier reads this and takes it to heart.

Keep the Fox out of the Poetry Coop!
I like to watch Fox for its coverage of the news
Refreshing to get a fair and balanced view
“Special Report” with Brett Baier as its anchor
Is usually an oasis free of media blast and rancor
But on February 9 in discussion of the CBO and effects of Obamacare
Brett’s remarks drove me to anger and complete despair
For once this poet and graduate of the Tree
Found himself with Nancy Pelosi to agree
Brett seemed to poetry belittle and demean
Writing it is somehow unworthy or not part of the American Dream
Obama’s pen may be mightier than all the House Reds
But any politician at his peril should not an angry poet dread
Poets have heralded the great deeds of humans even before Homer spoke of the Trojan Horse
They have stirred the hearts, inflamed the passions, brought the joys, cleansed with tears and have changed history’s course
If anything, more poetry as opposed to millions of lines of bureaucratic prose is more than just a good thing
Doubt me, then you need to listen to the poem before football games we stand and sing
Read the Quitter by Service, Invictus by Henley, or The Road Less Traveled by Frost
If by Kipling or any of the poems written in war about courage, sacrifice and cost
Or even any of those poems on
Brett, you will see your comment was a total bomb
If the only thing that counts is being able to work the two jobs or nine to five
A great part of the uniqueness we are as humans may well not survive
And a last comment not to you, because journalistic ethics you try to preserve, but to the Red leaders that appear on Fox
Time to not be an Obamacare bashing one issue, time for solutions on all issues, not just seen as an Obama block.
© February 9, 2014 Michael P. Ridley aka the Alaskanpoet

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