Monday, February 3, 2014

O'Reilly And Obama On Super Bowl Sunday

      Super Bowl Sunday market three contests, two of which well fought and one Super Bowl XLVIII which was a complete blowout and disaster, with Las Vegas bookies probably looking for open windows as the Seahawks rolled up point after point. The other lasted the longest the battle of the ads which on balance were pretty amazing and entertaining but with a clear winner--"Puppy Love", starring the most adorable puppy teemed up with everyone's favorites the Budweiser Clydesdale Horses. The last and shortest, only ten minutes long, was the interview of President Obama by Bill O'Reilly. Hillary Clinton's tweet notwithstanding there was no slam, only a reflective and respectful of the Office of the Presidency interview on several issues of great importance to the American people. As much as I often disagree with the President's policies, I commend him for leaving the fawning environment of MSNBC, mainstream media and social networks to conduct this interview. Hope this courage translate into more involvement by the other members of the Fourth Estate in the activities of this administration. If I were a fly on the wall in Kathleen Sibelius' den, the sounds of relief over her still having a job after the ACA rollout and its continuing mess must have burst the decibel chart.
O'Reilly and Obama Interview--Best Game of the Three
This poet commends the President for moving out of safe TV interview grounds
To an arena with O'Reilly where he must have known tough questions would abound
The interview most likely. given the comments online,  changed few minds
No smoking guns nor did I expect Obama would reveal or O'Reilly would find
A slight disappointment that the President with a great chance the attacks on ACA to deflate
Did not truly apologize to the American people for stress and angst he put upon their plates
Did not rise to the pitch by O'Reilly on Sibelius, catcher announced, right down the middle, belt high
And state, "Bill you are right, she should be accountable and I have said to her 'Thanks and Goodbye.'"
But the image that will last and I hope the minions at MSNBC and mainstream took notes
Hard questions, not slow pitch softballs or T-balls, with respect in the manner he spoke
And with restraint a good attempt to  attempts at wanderings or nonresponses rein in
Lastly a bit off humor in a question, answered wrong, as to the score and who would win
Getting a straight and responsive answer from a politician who wants to slither and slip
Is about as easy as pulling a wisdom tooth with bare hands coated in oil and trying to hold on to one's grip.
Nice job, Mr. President and Mr. O'Reilly, the hallmark of intelligence is mutual civility and respect
Attack with furor the issues but the person such attacks one should definitely reject.

©February 3, 2014 Michael P. Ridley aka the Alaskanpoet



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