Thursday, April 14, 2011

Innovation Secrets

After near threat of government shutdown and days of drama, the remaining 6 months of 2011 how have a budget with a miniscule reduction in expenditures. Better yet it would appear that we are all safer now because Congress will soon take a recess. One the Democratic House members in the debate this morning was bemoaning the loss of innovaation. Here's the Alaskanpoet's take of how to innovate.

Innovation Secrets

As a Stanford grad I have seen the Winds of Freedom blow
The sparks of thoughts in white hot glow
Its HP garage now turning out Googles of ideas
But Stanford or its ilk may not be the only panacea
To the simple fact that with our wages we cannot compete in terms of cost
If not armed with an army of inquiring minds, our children's future will be lost
But like the farmer who eats his seed corn to prevent an early grave,
We are doomed if our government overspends and will not or cannot save
We must also solve the paradox that those whom society most detests
Continue to prosper and climb far above the rest
We cannot follow Dick the Butcher's recipe for success
But we can elect and appoint lawyers far, far less
This should all heed what should be the primary law of the land
We will pass no law so written that a lawyer is needed to understand!
(c) April 14, 2011 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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