Sunday, June 8, 2014

Feinstein Should Replace Reid; Reid Is the New Marvin K. Moodyis

A tale of two Senators is amazing to watch as the controversy over the Taliban 5 release unfolds
As a sense of anger is rising as different excuses are now being told
On one hand for Majority Leader on the lack of notice what difference does it make
On the other the head of the Intelligence Committee is troubled by the path the Administration takes
Senator Feinstein is a woman of integrity, honor and in many cases the ability to compromise
It must trouble her to see the Senate continue its spiral into rancor and demonize
The failure of the Senate to act lies mainly at Harry Reid’s feet
His dictatorial bearing has doomed almost any bill to gridlock and defeat
He has become the symbol of deceit, deception and demonize
We need better if problem solving we will ever have a chance to realize
If after millions upon millions spent on the campaign trail
The Reds in their quest to take over the Senate prevail
Reid is kicked out and Mitch another leader of the gridlock wars should also step down
The Reds pick a Senator who has the ability to work with Blues in Senate town
If the Reds somehow lose victory back into the jaws of defeat
A senator like Feinstein is the majority leader the Blues should elect to seat
Otherwise, a very real and damaging fear
Continued gridlock for two more years  
© June 8, 2014 Michael P. Ridley aka the Alaskanpoet

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