Sunday, March 9, 2014

Iron Curtain Of Liberal Academia On Rutgers

    One would think that most universities would be thrilled to have Condoleezza Rice be a commencement speaker. A professor at Stanford, Provost of Stanford and National Security Adviser to President Bush and Secretary of State under Bush's Administration. History will ultimately judge the war in Iraq and the war on terror waged by instigated by Bush following the 911 and perhaps Condi Rice's role in those events. History does not need the censorship and liberal outrage expressed by the faculty of Rutgers trying to have Rutgers withdraw an invitation to speak at Commencement on May 17, 2014. If anything the faculty's action makes a mockery of the concept of academic freedom by trying to silence anyone, even a Black woman who has committed the sin of being a conservative thinker.
      If I were a taxpayer in New Jersey I would be demanding since we are not getting our dollars worth in terms of academic independence that salaries be lowered. The Sun at least in the faculty no longer shines. My thoughts in muse are below and with apologies to another Rice of color, I could not ignore a quick comparison between Condi Rice and Susan Rice, who is the darling of the media and probably will have more commencement speaking opportunities with or without the famous video.

A Better Brand Of Rice
The Sun of righteousness at Rutgers may on the West shine too
As long as the rays are in the sole direction of what a faculty deems to be true
Can it be one of the oldest universities in this nation wishes shut down ideas diverse?
A faculty up in arms against Condi Rice as a speaker; is the free exchange of knowledge in reverse?
Rutgers’ faculty believes Condi Rice’s support of Bush renders her unworthy for students to address
A conservative black woman, whose service to the country and beliefs must be suppressed
I know not what Ms Rice will choose as a topic to graduates to seek to inspire
As the American Dream, burdened by national and student debt seems to recede and retire
Could it be she might apply Obama’s trite sound bites of hard work to get ahead?
Not in general but to her own examples of how with work, impediments to success were shed
You don’t excel as National Security Adviser, Secretary of State, or Provost herding faculty cats
Without a degree of intelligence and determination, of forceful action not just idle chat
I would bet a dime against 50 dollars that assuming she were not booed off the stage
Another victim of the war on free thought liberal academia loves to without quarter wage
That many of the members of the senior class burdened with debt and no job in sight
Knowing after a day, if lucky, of flipping burgers or pouring coffee, to parent’s home at night
Would take heed the story of her success and her drive and sacrifice to succeed?
A motivational spark that such students would take to heart, could really use and need
A final note to Rutgers’ faculty’s closed and bias minds
As to what type of Rice most people would want to get behind
Not the Rice video queen without remorse as a mouthpiece for a deceptive lie
Or later like Condi a security adviser who was clueless as Russian planes were landing from the sky
No, they would want a Rice of great intellect who despite barriers has had great success
To top it off is a popular Stanford professor and plays a piano with élan and finesse.
© March 9, 2014 Michael P. Ridley aka the Alaskanpoet  

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